January 20, 2015

GARNIER Fructis Goodbye Damage

Happy 2015 everybody. Since winter and all the cold weather leave quite a lot of a damage in my hair, I wanted to repair it, as much as I can. I try to use no heat on my hair. But as mine is super curly we know that it is not working with me. I use straighting iron twice a week. I think that is not bad at all. I also stop blow drying my hair. I just let it to dry naturally. Like I said eliminate the heat as much a s possible. The last thing is treating hair after it is completly dry and styled. For that I tried the the Garnier Fructis Goodbye Damage serum. The thing that I love most about the product is that it repairs damaged hair, not only preventing it. After a month of a use I noticed quit a big of a change. I have to say that I prefer this serum over any of my hair oil products. Thats how much I enyoj using it. You can purchase this serum on online store called Salma. It is avaliable right here.

Vse lepo v 2015 vsem skupaj. Ker je zunaj tako hladno in vetrovno, je zima na mojih laseh pustila kar nekaj škode. To pa seveda želim v največji možni meri odpraviti. Trudim se uporabljati čim manj vročine na svojih laseh, vendar se dvakrat tedensko še vedno pregrešim. Vendar mislim da to sploh ni slabo :). Že kar nekaj časa nazaj sem prenehala tudi z uporabo sušilnika za lase, saj  je moj namen obdržati čim več vlage v laseh. Kot sem omenila že prej, lase čim manj izpostaljati vročini. Seveda pa je zame pomembna nega las po oblikovanju. In tukaj na vrsto pride Garnier Fructis Goodbye Damage serum za lase. Izdelek sem kupila že kar nekaj časa nazaj in prve rezultate sem opazila že po slabem mesecu uporabe. Pri tem izdelku mi je najbolj všeč to da zdravi lase in še posebej lasne konice, ko so te že uničene poleg tega da jih ščiti. Imam kar obsežno zbirko olj za lase, ampak mi je serum še vedno ljubši kot katerokoli olje. Najbolj me je prepričalo to da moje lase resnično navlaži in jim povrne sijaj. Aja pa moram omeniti da omamnmo diši - po sadju. Goodbye Damage lahko kupite v spletni trgovini Salma. Za hitrejši dostop pa ga lahko najdete tukaj

Have you ever tried this serum? Are you a fan of Garnier Fructis products?

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  1. wow! I've been using fructis since my puberty xD and really love ALL their products. I tried a serum a little bit bigger, maybe is different, I'll try tu buy this one. Thanks sweetie!

    1. I know I love their products too, but just redescovered them lately. Thank you for the sweet comment hun...xx

  2. Sounds great!

    Check out my new post Here!!!

  3. I have never tried this product, thanks for the info!

    1. No problem, Hope it help to decide. Your hair would thank you...xx

  4. I love your blog! So I've nominated you for the liebster award. I hope you will do it, look here for the questions.
    Hannah xxx

    1. Thank you hun for nominating me. I have done quit a few liebster award blog posts. You can see them in my blog history...xx

  5. Great review, will try this one!

    Keep in touch

    1. Thank you girl. That's great. Let me know if you loved it as much I do...xx


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