March 10, 2016

How to prevent stretch marks on pregnant belly?

AVON care, cocoa butter*
If you are pregnant, then you know that the most important thought on your mind is - how am I going to prevent stretchmarks on my belly, and overall my body? So you start looking for different oils, creams, body butters, lotions... I tried lots of body oils, but haven't fint the fast absorbing and moisturizing at the same time. Then I came across the new line from Avon, called care, cocoa butter. It is meant for dry skin, is dermatologically tested and it is super conditioning. All products are enriched with cocoa buter and vitamin e. I tried four products and they all worked super fine for my skin. As you can see by the title, I am pregnant and these products makes my skin soft, nourished and the most important - I haven't got any stretchmarks. So if you are loooking for a good all over body, face, hand moisturizer I highly reccomend this care line from Avon. What I really love about this products is that they are lightweight and fast absorbing. They are also non - greasy, so I can get dressed right after I apply the cream. I tried four products and if you want to try them, hurry up, because as you can see by the prices below they are on sale.

Rich cream for face, hand and body 4.30
Hand, nail and cuticle cream 3.60
Body lotion 3.50
Lip butter 4.00

Če ste noseče potem veste, da je prva stvar, ki vam pade na misel skrb za kožo na trebuščku, oziroma po celem telesu - kako preprečiti strije? Nato začnemo iskati vse mogoče kremice, masla za telo. olja, losjone.... Moram priznati, da sem sama sprobala kar nekaj olj za telo, vendar nisem našla primernega za mojo kožo, ki bi se hitro vpil v kožo, poleg tega pa bi jo navlažil. Potem sem se srečala z novo linijo kozmeritke Avon, care, kokosovo maslo. Linija je mišljena za suho kožo, je dermatološko testirana in je zelo hranljiva. Vsi njihovi produkti vsebujejo kokosovo maslo in vitamin e. Sama sem preizkusila štiri izdelke in bila nad vsemi super zadovoljna. Kot ste verjetno že zasledile v naslovu, sem srečka nosečka in ravno s pomočjo teh produktov je moja koža navlažena in seveda kar je najpomembneje - nisem dobila še nobene strije. Torej če iščete dobro kremico za pbraz, telo in nohte vam toplo priporočam to iz linije care. Stvar, ki pa me je najbolj pritegnila pa je lahkotnost teksture kremic, ki se super hitro vpijejo v mojo kožo. Prav tako niso mastne, tako da se lahko oblečem takoj ko nanesem kremo na telo. Kot sem omenila, sem sama sprobala štiri produkte iz njihove care linije, kot pa lahko vidite spodaj, so trenutno znižani, tako da v akcijo in naročite svojega. 

Bogata krema za obraz, roke in telo 4.30
Krema za roke, nohte in obnohtno kožico 3.60
Losjon za telo 3.50
Maslo za ustnice 4.00

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