ZARA ORIENTAL eau de toilette 10 €
I was recently in Zara and I came across their fragrances. Now finding a cheap perfume is hard to come by, especially those which actually smell nice. My favourite was the Zara Oriental (100 ml).As I came home I did my research on the perfume and I found that the Zara Oriental perfume was a dupe for the Viktor and Rolf Flowerbomb perfume, which is one of my favourites. I have to say that they smell very similar. The only difference is the price. The smell is light yet still warm and musky, and you can instantly smell the jasmine.The packaging looks clean and chic. I love the simplicity of the bottle, because it looks great for a shelf display. The Zara perfume lasts on my skin quit long, around four hours, which is great considering the price. I don't feel bad about dousing myself in copious amounts every morning as it was amazing value too.
I was recently in Zara and I came across their fragrances. Now finding a cheap perfume is hard to come by, especially those which actually smell nice. My favourite was the Zara Oriental (100 ml).As I came home I did my research on the perfume and I found that the Zara Oriental perfume was a dupe for the Viktor and Rolf Flowerbomb perfume, which is one of my favourites. I have to say that they smell very similar. The only difference is the price. The smell is light yet still warm and musky, and you can instantly smell the jasmine.The packaging looks clean and chic. I love the simplicity of the bottle, because it looks great for a shelf display. The Zara perfume lasts on my skin quit long, around four hours, which is great considering the price. I don't feel bad about dousing myself in copious amounts every morning as it was amazing value too.
kratkim sem nakupovala v Zari in tako zasledila njihove dišave. Težko
najdem parfumčke, ki so poceni in obenem lepo dišijo, vendar mi je to
uspelo, saj sem izbrala Zara Oriental (100 ml). Ko
sem prišla domov, sem izbrskala podatke o parfumu, in kaj kmalu
ugotovila, da je parfum cenejši dvojnik Viktor and Rolf Flowerbomb
parfuma, kateri mi je eden izmed ljubših. Res moram priznati, da dišita
zelo podobno, razlikujeta se le v ceni. Vonj je lahek, vendar se še vedno lahko odlično vonja mošus in jasmin. Embalaža
ima čiste ostre linije. Všeč mi je predvsem preprostost flaške, saj jo
lahko uporabim za dekoracijo na polički. Parfum Oriental je na moji koži
kar obstojen, nekje štiri ure, kar se mi zdi odlično, če upoštevamo
tudi njegovo ceno. Poleg tega pa nimam nikakršne slabe vesti, ko zjutraj
malo pretiravam z nanosom, saj je bil to res eden ugodejših nakupov v
zadnjem času.
AVON BIJOU Christian Lacroix* 20.90 €
Avon collaborated
with the French high fashion house Christian Lacroix in 2015 presents a new fragrance Bijou. I was really excited about this new Christian Lacroix perfume. The bottle it's just a beautiful
straight-up-and-down with a faceted bottom in a pretty ombre facade. It looks great as a shelf room decor. The fragrance notes are mandarin, vanilla orchid and spiced star anise. If you
like the scent of vanilla, you will love this perfume. It smells like candy. It's sweet but it's feminine and chic, rather
than young and girly. It's just an all-round pretty fragrance, one that I
hope everyone gets to try out!
Avon je v sodelovanju s francosko dizajnersko hišo Christian Lacroix v letu 2015 predstavlja novo dišavo Bijou. Res sem se veselila preizkusa vonja tega parfuma. Steklenička je preprosto lepa, dno je nekoliko ožje, barve pa je sevda roza in kot se spodobi ombre. Izgleda super kot dekoracija sobe oziroma poličke. Gre predvsem za izjemno mešanico sočnih sadnih not, ki ustvari eksotično in eleganto dišavo, s ključnimi notami sijoče italjanske mandarine, vanilijeve orhideje in esence janeža. Če vam je všeč vonj vanilije, boste ta parfum oboževale. Diši kot sladica. Je izredno sladek, ampak obenem zelo ženstven in eleganten. To je preprosto dišava, ki jo morate preizskusiti, saj je vredna svojega nakupa.
Avon je v sodelovanju s francosko dizajnersko hišo Christian Lacroix v letu 2015 predstavlja novo dišavo Bijou. Res sem se veselila preizkusa vonja tega parfuma. Steklenička je preprosto lepa, dno je nekoliko ožje, barve pa je sevda roza in kot se spodobi ombre. Izgleda super kot dekoracija sobe oziroma poličke. Gre predvsem za izjemno mešanico sočnih sadnih not, ki ustvari eksotično in eleganto dišavo, s ključnimi notami sijoče italjanske mandarine, vanilijeve orhideje in esence janeža. Če vam je všeč vonj vanilije, boste ta parfum oboževale. Diši kot sladica. Je izredno sladek, ampak obenem zelo ženstven in eleganten. To je preprosto dišava, ki jo morate preizskusiti, saj je vredna svojega nakupa.
What's your favourite perfume on a budget?
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