September 28, 2014

LUSH Color Supplement*

I really like Lush. They have amazing bath, shower products, and I also really enjoy their shampoos. But I was really surprised when I saw that they also sell foundations. I was like, at Lush? So later I decided to give it a try and share my thoughts with you. The packaging is standard, it comes in a glass jar with black plastic cover, like most Lush products. It consists quit a lot of product - 20 g. What really got me into this, was the fact that it has yellow undertone and it is still dark enough for me. There are two shades (light and dark), and I picked up the one called Dark Yellow. The formula is pretty thick, but very blendable. First it looks straight yellow and strange, but once you start blending it, it adapts your skin tone/color. The great thing is that it does not clough your pores. The foundation sinks and blends into your skin and it gives you fresh glow. The most natural looking foundation that I have ever tried. I prefer this over True Match. That's how you know I am in love. It is just a perfect match for my yellow undertone. The only downside with this product is that you have to set it, otherwise it is not very longlasting. You can purchase Color Supplement here.

Obožujem Lush. Imajo odlične kopeli in izdelke za tuširanje, poleg tega imam zelo rada njihove šampone. Ko pa sem zagledala, da prodajajo tudi tekoče podlage, sem bila zelo presenečena. Kaj...tekoča podlaga in to v Lushu? Nato sem se odločila da jo preizkusim in zato danes z vami delim svojo izkušnjo. Embalaža je tipična za Lush, steklen lonček s črnim plastičnim pokrovčkom. Ta vsebuje kar veliko izdelka, in sicer 20 g. Stvar, ki me je najbolj pritegnila v probo izdelka je bila ta, da ima tekoča podlaga rumeni podton, poleg tega pa je dovolj temena zame. Na voljo je v dveh odtenkih (svetel in temen), jaz pa sem izbrala temnejšega z imenom Dark Yellow. Tekstura je kar gosta, vendar se izredno dobro maže in blendira. Ko ga najprej razmažete na kožo je izredno rumen in izgleda zelo čudno, ko pa ga začnete mazati se zlije z barvo vaše polti. Kar mi je zelo všeč pri njem je da ne maši por. Poleg tega je to najbolj naraven puder, kar sem jih sprobala. Trenutno ga obožujem celo bolj kot True Match od L'Oreala. Tako res veste, da je zame top. Edina stvar, ki me zmoti pri tem produktu je, da ga morate fiksirati, drugače ni dolgoobstojen. Barvno osnovo lahko kupite tukaj.

Have you ever tried any makeup from Lush and did you like it?

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  1. wow ill have to check this out !
    check out my LFW & MFW Favourites at
    ♥ lots of love ♥

    1. I think you really should. When you do, let me know...

  2. I haven't tried the makeup... I don't know if I am willing to but I do love the bath products!

    1. Erica you should. It is I never thought that my favorite foundation will be Lush product, but it is. It is so natural and perfect...xx

  3. great post!
    I'm following you :)

  4. Sounds really good! Great review!


    1. Thank you. BTW it really is. I use this every day and it's almost full...xx

  5. Love your review! I never knew Lush made foundation either! I would love to check it out if it's as great as you say it it (: Also I just wanted to let you know that I finally got around to answering the sisterhood of the world bloggers award questions you gave me! I'd love for you to check out the post I made.
    The Impossibly Cute

    1. Thank you Bianca. I really love to write reviews and trying new products. It's great when I hear that my post is being helpful to someone... I am just on my way to your blog to read your tag. Thank you for being part of it...xx


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